Cubs at Stephen Hill are always busy! We meet on Monday nights and welcome any 8-10 year old who is looking for fun, adventure and the chance to shine. We meet outdoors as much as possible all year round, making the most of the countryside around us. Our varied programme enables us to learn traditional scouting skills such as tracking, fire lighting, saw skills and first aid. Enjoy a wide range of activities such as climbing, canoeing, archery and axe throwing. Experience being in nature through night hikes, outdoor cooking, foraging and den building, be positive members of our community through litter picking, fundraising for local charities, carol singing and debating the hot topics of the day. Develop our character qualities through teamwork games, persevering to complete badges and including everyone. On top of all of this we have fun every week, we laugh a lot! We aim to have three opportunities to get away as a pack each year, sometimes in tents and other times indoors. Please get in touch if you would like to know more.